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Welcome to Yogasonline

This website is launched to boost up yoga awarenness because of its health benefits. Before going into other parts of website it is recommended to get some yoga day information. International Day of Yoga which was commenced and accepted by whole world as International Yoga Day on 21st June, 2015. It has been seen that it improves immune system and health of body for persons who practice yoga exercise regularly. International Yoga Day is celebrated on 21 June on every year to spread yoga exercises, yoga asanas and benefits.

We are providing huge database about Yoga information related to Yoga persons, businesses, schools, centers, aashrams, volunteers, teachers, trainers, students, events, schemes, aasans, benefits etc. All people of world are invited to join Yogasonline and submit their business listing with correct details about yoga only so that people can get benefited by valuable yoga information published on this website.

Our Newly Listings

What is yoga?

Yoga is a combination of physical, mental and spiritual practices which were originated in India. Yoga word is derived from many words like "Yoke", "Yuj" which is pronounced in Sanskrit word Yog (योग) . There are many definitions of Yoga were given by many different Indian religious Gurus, books, granths and vedas like Katha Upanishad, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Linga Purana etc.

Regular Yoga exercises are necessary to keep healthy body and mind. Many Yoga exercises are very popular in whole world. Many yoga schools, yoga centers, yoga institutions and yoga teachers are providing yoga courses and trainings which include various yoga exercises for people near by their location.

Health Benefits

  1. Reduce Stress
  2. Builds muscle strength
  3. Improves Flexibility and Balance
  4. Drains lymphs and boosts immunity
  5. Reduce Inflammation
  6. Drops blood pressure
  7. Improves bone health
  8. Improves to Sleep better
  9. Lowers blood sugar
  10. Improved respiration, energy and vitality
  11. Improve Heart Health
  12. Helps you focus
  13. Maintains nervous system
  14. Improves lung function
  15. Improves inner strength
  16. Weight reduction
  17. Boosts metabolism

Popular Yoga Asanas

  1. Dhyana (Meditation)
  2. Sirsasana
  3. Sarvangasana
  4. Halasana
  5. Matsyasana
  6. Bhujangasana
  7. Salabhasana
  8. Dhanurasana
  9. Tadasana
  10. Vrikshasana
  11. Adho Mukho Svanasana
  12. Trikonasana
  13. Kursiasana
  14. Naukasana
  15. Paschimottanasana
  16. Uttana shishosana
  17. Virabhadrasana

Yoga Listing Types


Yoga Schools


Yoga Teachers


Yoga Trainers


Yoga Centers

Product Shop

Yoga Shops


Yoga Therapists

Yoga Guru

Yoga Gurus


Yoga Universities


Yoga Instructors


Yoga Hospitals

Goat Yoga

Goat Yoga


Online Platform

Online plaform for all yoga schools, yoga centers, yoga businesses and business owners where they can show their business details online and users can get details about yoga business in their location.

Managed Database

Managed Database for all listings and organised structure to show details about yoga businesses and their contact information. and no need to worry about maintenance of website and their listings.

Search Online

Easily searchable database of yoga listings and profiles of teachers, trainers etc where users can see detailed information like business locations, profile, courses, trainings, yoga asanas and contact information.